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Andie J is a slovak pop singer and song-writer. In 2021, she released her 5-songs debut EP with the same name „Andie J“. The pilot song „Shoot me to the Moon“ was played on several slovak radio stations and also on radio stations all over the world. 


After this EP was released, her musical career started and she actively started produce music. This was followed by singles such as „Came From Heaven“ (2021) and „She's Mine“ (2021), which Apple Music included in the "Future hits" playlist. She also performed on „Ranné noviny“ program on the TV JOJ where she sang some of her songs.


After the release of single „Ever Again“ (2022), she actively started working on her debut studio album. Her songs are in rotations of slovak radio stations and also are played in other 6O radios around the world. Andie cooperates with members of the band „King Shaolin“ which is a main band of Celeste Buckingham. 


Andie J je slovenská popová speváčka a song-writterka. V roku 2021 vydala debutové 5 piesňové EP s rovnomenným názvom “Andie J”. Pilotná skladba “Shoot me to the Moon”, ktorá vyšla ako predzvesť spomínaného EP sa dostala do hranosti viacerých slovenských rádií a taktiež rádií po celom svete. 

Po vydaní tohto nosiča sa jej hudobná dráha rozbehla a aktívne začala tvoriť. Nasledovali single ako "Came From Heaven" (2021) či "She’s Mine" (2021), ktorý zaradil Apple Music do playlistu „Future hits“. Objavila sa aj na obrazovke TV JOJ, kde konkrétne v Ranných novinách zaspievala svoje skladby. 

Po vydaní singlu "Ever Again" (2022) aktívne pracuje na debutovom štúdiovom albume. Jej skladby sú v rotáciach slovenských rádií a tiež hrané v dalších 60tich rádiách po celom svete. Andie J aktívne v rámci koncertov spolupracuje s členmi kapely King Shaolin, ktorá je dvornou kapelou Celeste Buckingham. 

© 2022 Andie J

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